Vi och Fader Alexis från St Edward Brotherhood i England vill tacka alla så mycket som bidragit till deras rättskostnader, vilket vi skrivit om här tidigare. Vi kunde skicka 930 brittiska pund (ca 11000 kronor!) till dem igår!
Fader Alexis skriver: "God bless you and all the people who contributed to our legal costs appeal for your kindness and generosity. That is a true example of Christian brotherly (sisterly?) love, and very instructive for us. Glory be to God. We were very moved by the fact that you collected funds to help us. God bless you and reward you abundantly. With another donation which came in in this morning's post, we have now raised £18,623 (ca 220 000 kronor), that also is a miracle in such a short time. So our Saviour has blessed us with His mercies yet again. Thank you and all concerned up there for your generous contribution to this."
Det finns fortfarande möjlighet att fortsätta att bidra till klostret i England via eller vårt bankgiro 677-0242 märkt "England". Den 12 november måste de betala motsvarande 330 000 kronor och den totala kostnaden är ca 500 000 kronor.